Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Fall Ya'll!

My gracious, how I love these sweet, crazy boys! I hope that everyone has a fun, safe, and Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

We Are Already Getting Our Halloween On

Griffin had his preschool costume parade today. Ohmygoodness. The cuteness overload almost did me in. Everyone of those precious, tiny darlings just about made me tear up!

I mean, THIS FACE! How is this my baby!!

Griffin's sweet teacher totally took one for the team and came dressed as Dora. Bless her sweet heart.

This is another one of his sweet teachers. How do they think of these great costumes?? I can never think of anything. (She was Mary Poppins.)

My sweet nephew Carter was there too. ADORABLE.

See? I warned you. Cuteness overload for sure!

My Grady was all sorts of ready for crazy hair day at school. He was soo happy that I found our leftover hair color from 4th of July. :)

It's still only the day before Halloween. I can only begin the imagine how much more exciting tomorrow will be!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Back From the Dead

Kind of a fitting title after being gone so long and with Halloween coming up, no? :)

I'm still reading other's blogs just as often as I can. I have found recently that I've been wondering about so many people since they seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth in the blogging world. I pretty quickly realized that I am one of those people.

I wish that I was coming back with one of those fun announcements that others always seem to be making like "Guess what! I'm having a baby!" or "Hubby got a new job and it's in Hawaii!" But, that is NOT me.

We are just still here living our little lives! We are all up to our necks in football games for Grady, soccer for Graham and Griffin being drug hither and yon.

Grady got to try his hand at being the quarterback on this play. He has LOVED playing flag football this year!

Grady's league even had a night where they were able to run out onto the field with the high school football players that coach them! 

Graham is still playing Falcon's soccer and loving it. I can't even tell you how many years now he's played both Fall and Spring. We wouldn't change this craziness for the world though. He loves it and is getting so good!

Thank goodness we have Mimi around to help chase Griffin. Like I said earlier, he gets drug around to almost every game and practice. Bless his little heart. Just one more year though and he can play soccer too! (Lord help me...)

I hope that everyone is having a great week so far. I can't wait to update on our Halloween. It's going to be soo much fun!!
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