So far this summer has been filled with so much fun and excitement that I haven't hardly had time to blog about anything! I kinda like it that way. A life so filled with life that there isn't even hardly time to write about it :). We rush from point A to point B most days with only some small stops along the way to let sweet Griffin nap before we are off again. We fall into bed almost every night completely exhausted but with giant smiles on our faces and very dirty feet :).
We spend a lot of time together these days in my suburban.
We chat, sing very loudly to the radio, and the other 90% of the time poke our brother until someone is crying. :/
Things are usually not as perfect as the above pictures portray. (That's why I had to take pictures to record this moment. HA!)
With all the racing around with camp drop-offs etc. Graham has been temporarily promoted to the front seat. I know that the child should be 12 before being allowed to ride in the front seat (in the state of Texas you don't have to be) but for my sanity's sake there he shall ride.
The fighting and arguing with Grady was getting on my last nerve. I figure with them separated for a bit it will actually make for a much safer drive for all those involved :).
As you can kinda see, the kids that are still in car seats (Grady and Griffin) are by both of the windows so that it's easier for me to get them both strapped in. Poor Graham was riding in the middle of the two and was literally being tortured I think. (At least all the crying fits made it sound like that.)
Look at me! I'm perfect! :)
Now that everyone is marginally happier we have all been having a great time in the car together! We've had so many great talks ranging from what savings accounts are and how credit cards work to why it's important to learn how to swim. With Graham in the front seat I find us having more in depth conversations. I love it! I'm pretty sure he's loving it too! Ok, maybe he just really likes the luxury of riding in the front seat more than talking to his Momma but that alright. :) I'll take all of him and his attention I can get!