Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Praying For A Friend

Can I ask a quick favor of you all? One of my dearest and oldest friend Kim will be undergoing an IUI ( intrauterine inseminationtomorrow. She and her hubby have struggled for years trying to have a baby. They would covet prayers from even strangers if God would grant them just this one miracle!

The besties! Deborah is on the left and Kim is on the right.

I've known Kim since she was my suite mate during my freshman year of college! (ya'll that was a looong time ago :) With out getting into too many private details of Kim's life (I'm trying to get her to blog. haha), this has been a struggle for her and her hubby for many years. They have had many setbacks and roadblocks but continue to persevere on their journey to having a sweet little baby to call their own! 

She will be going in at 7:30 tomorrow morning for the IUI. No matter the outcome, Kim is and will always be an amazing friend. My fervent prayer is that she also have the chance to become an amazing mother as well!


Anonymous said...

Awwww I love, love, love you too!! Thank you so much for all your help, advice, resources and of course your prayers!! We need all the prayer warriors we can get! :)

Kimberly said...

Awwww I love, love, love you too!! Thank you so much for all your help, advice, resources and of course your prayers!! We need all the prayer warriors we can get! :)

(sorry...didn't see where it said to post name) :)

Unknown said...

Lord I pray for Kim right now that you would indeed give her the desires of her heart. Give the doctors wisdom and guide them in this procedure. May she feel you peace and grace, and find comfort and hope in your presence. Please Lord bless this family with a baby. I will keep praying!!!!!

The Anglin Family said...

Praying for your friend!! I pray He will grant them the desires of their hearts, and that His grace carry through the waiting period...

ccc said...

Saying a prayer!

The Mama said...

Praying for your sweet friend!!!! Praying that their prayers are answered and they find out soon that they will be holding a precious new baby in about 9 months!

DandelionBreeze said...

Thinking of your friend... FXd for her IUI and a BFP :)) xoxo

Kerry said...

I hope all goes well for your friend!! And one day she has her very own precious bundle to hold xo

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