Thursday, December 13, 2012

"Those Mueller's Sure Are Awesome Ice Skaters!"... Said No One Ever.

A couple of weeks ago we had the opportunity to go skating as a family with Graham's cub scout group. Graham and I have not ice skated in about 4+ years, Grady has NEVER ice skated, and I've never seen Bobby do it once (and we've been together like 13 years). That right there should adequately sum up our skating skillz (and I use those two words together very loosely).

This picture here describes how we rolled (or rather slid) a lot of the time :).

For the nine millionth time... please pardon the blurry pictures. My camera had the hardest time ever focusing. I was pretty much in motion the whole time (have you ever tried to stay still and not fall on ice skates all at the same time??) and so were my subjects :). Poor camera was soo confused.

Bobby skated with Grady while I skated with Graham (Griffin stayed at home with his Omi). We figured a one-on-one approach would be the best thing :). Since we were there around Christmas time they had Christmas carols playing and I was able to imagine myself here...

If only...

My boys taking a break in the hockey time out box (is that even what you call it??).

I was SO proud of them here! Neither one of them was holding onto the wall!!

Holding on for dear life...

Graham and I considered ourselves big successes when the last couple of laps neither of us held onto the handrail OR each other! :)

Graham even made a new friend while we were out skating! He kind of attached himself to us but he seemed really friendly and was a great skater so he was able to give Graham all kinds of advise and really cheered him on!

That's our new friend in the black and yellow jersey. I was going to get him and Graham's picture together but I didn't want to be that stranger creeper person taking random kids pictures... :)

Both Graham and Grady asked to go back soon so maybe we'll see Graham's new friend again.

We all really did have a great time together. We all laughed a lot at each others very sad skating skills, cheered each other on for a job well done at the end, and got great family exercise out of the deal! 

I see a lot of family skating in our future!


Amy said...

Ice skating is not for the faint of heart but it's so much fun! The last time I went was in 2003 In NYC!! So cool!

Tristan said...

i am not a skater..haha..although it always looks so fun!!

Kristy said...

I love ice skating but I have never been successful at gettin my hubby on the ice.

Kacey said...

I'm impressed with your skating and photo taking abilities! I would have both hands on the rail and the camera in my pocket!


M+W said...

I love ice skating...on TV at least! I could never do it myself! I do love watching the winter olympics and seeing the beautiful ice skating routines!

The Anglin Family said...

I'm so so terrible! Caden is the only one of us that is any good;) but it IS fun. Even if you stink at it. Ha!

Jessica said...

That looks like so much fun! Haha I think falling is just part of the experience ... goodness knows I'd probably fall on my head trying to iceskate after so many years.

Nicole said...

I was always better at roller skating and skiing than ice skating. I just ain't got what it takes to gracefully glide on those little skates on that ice! (I should disclose that I did fall and break my wrist at the roller skating rink as a maybe I'm not a better roller skater?)

Anyway, looks like you guys had a great time, and that's the most important thing! :)

Melanie Mueller said...

Love the pictures! We have to take the boys to do this over the break! Can't wait!

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