I can NOT believe that this time next week I will have a baby in my arms. Technically I'm still hoping that it will be sooner. I go back to my OB to get checked again tomorrow. I'm hoping and thinking that I will have made some BIG changes. I have been having quite a bit of pain and pressure there so I'm hoping to roll out of Dr. W's office with at least being at 4 cm. I really should be hoping and praying for more dilation than that because being "only" 4 cm gets me no where closer to the hospital than I already am right now! :)
Update to include countdown day 6!
I had my appointment this morning! I got to take Grady in with me this morning as my MIL was sick with a stomach bug (yech). He did soo good and I was one proud Momma. He pretty much stayed strapped in his stroller most of the time and didn't complain once about it! Thank goodness for small blessings because with him you just never know...
So onto the nitty gritty of the appointment! The nurse started out by telling me that I didn't need to undress from the waist down since I was scheduled for a c-section. I told her politely that I really wanted to get checked "just in case". Thankfully she laughed and understood perfectly. When Dr. W. checked me the first thing she said was "Well its not good that I have to reach so far back." Not the phrase that I wanted to hear...
Dr. W. said that I was dilated to 3 cm now and still at 80%. This obviously is not enough to get me a trip to L&D. So I sit here, whine on my blog, continue to eat more than is necessary, and dream of next Wednesday!
On a random sidenote: I started a private blog that was supposed to capture everything about this pregnancy, daily letters to the baby, and other things that was going to be my gift to the baby as a printed out book. Lets just say that I blogged all of twice and then got scared and stopped. Stupid right?? I'm thinking of just copying and pasting over all pregnancy related things from this blog to my other. Can anyone think of a simpler way than searching through all 191 posts I have to move them from one blog to another? Also I'd like the comments to move as well. Do ya'll know if thats possible or have I shot myself in the foot by not keeping up like I had intend??
Hello world!
1 year ago
yay almost my birthday..bahahaha.
im so excited to see pics of him!!!
hang in there!
and..omg..that blod deal sounds daunting..good luck!
You're so close....;) I'm so not sure how to move posts:( maybe the whole blog, but not just posts!!!
Go do jumping jacks and eat hot sauce;)
I have NO idea how to do technical stuff on the computer--sorry, no help.
I love how you say you will continue to whine and eat more than you should--that's the perfect attitude for 9 months pregnant!!
Oh man!!! I was so hoping this would be the day!! I agree, jumping jacks, spicy food, lol try it all. Can't wait for next Wednesday!!!!
Less than a week now!!!! Oh my goodness I can't believe you are so close!!! In regards to the technical question...I have no idea!! I know someone that was able to do a transfer of posts like that. I'm not sure if you follow Fran http://smallbirdstudios.com/ She can probably give you advice on how to do that. She's really awesome at those kinds of things.
Fantastic... soooo close now :) Great that your appt went well but must be so trying to be waiting when you're so close. I'm not sure about transferring posts either... still learning about Blogger. Thinking of you every day my friend xoxo
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