Monday, February 7, 2011

I've Been Living Under A Rock...

 I've been living under a rock er... maybe a cave. Whatever, I've been totally missing out on one of the cutest shows forever now! Last night when the Super Bowl ended, Bobby and I stayed up late and watched Glee! (Bless you my darling and awesome hubby that you actually watched a musical with me without complaining once because I had just watched umpteen hours of football with you). Sorry for the longest run on sentence ever...

They had advertised it I don't even know how many times on 14 different commercials and for some reason it just caught me that I should stay up and watch it. Maybe it was the fact that it came on directly after the game and there was no hunting or searching for it. No remembering what day and time to make sure that I catch it.

I have to say that Sue cracked me up the most!

Usually these situation stress me out. I get attached and then feel committed  to shows (especially reality tv :)) so easily then I feel guilty when I miss, then my DVR gets all backed up and I want to watch everything but just can't! Lately I've not been allowing myself to start watching anything new so I can avoid the TV stress. Crazy sad that I have that problem... But, last night I just couldn't help myself. After soo much football (sorry ladies for those of you who really like to watch!) my brain just felt sluggish and dead. After watching a couple of Glee commercials with their bright scenery and upbeat songs I just knew that I had to watch! I was not disappointed at all! I loved it and I think super secretly my hubby didn't hate it. This is a show that I will definitely be adding to my DVR list. I'll have to cut out TLC's Toddlers and Tiara's. But that's ok. That show stressed me out for a whole other set of reasons! :)


Stephanie said...

Haha! I totally know how you feel! I am committed to WAY too many shows, but I can't help myself! I love reality TV!

Thanks for entering my giveaway! Hope you have a super evening!

Mommyto3andahusky said...

I love Glee! I am new to it too. I rented the first season from family video and watched them all to catch up. Then I caught up on season 2 on for free. Then I tivoed the current ones. It's a cute show! :)

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