After getting up this morning, typing my post, having a small melt-down (including several sobbing, choking phone calls to my Momma and my sister-in-law)I got a call from my doctors office scheduling the cerclage. The coordinator said that I needed to be there tomorrow morning at 6 for an 8 am surgery time. After getting done with her I asked if I could be transferred to a tiage nurse to discuss all that was going on with my body at the time. I told her about the contractions, back ache, and new symptom of low grade fever of 99.5. She agreed that I needed to be seen and had me go in at 1:30. I was lucky enough to get my pre-op blood work drawn before my appointment so I got home earlier than I expected to this afternoon! Yea!
So pretty much the doctor said that she was pretty worried but excitedly surprised to find my cervix still closed when she checked it. She did do a test that was similar to how you do a pap smear that would tell her if I was at risk of going into labor in the next 24-48 hours. I had never heard of it before but I guess that it tests for some kind of hormone released by a woman's body shortly before delivery?? She said that she won't get the test back until late tonight or early tomorrow morning. If it comes back positive then I stay for several days over at labor and delivery and if its negative then I get to come back home after the surgery. She did say that the baby sounded fantastic on the Doppler though! Thank God it's just me that in distress and not him!
I'm super worried about the general anesthesia that they'll be doing. I hate hate hate going under. It makes me soo nervous! The best part of this whole deal is that my Momma is coming back into town to be with me and help our family make it through bed rest weekend.
I'll have my hubby or sister-in-law post a small update for me tomorrow! Be saying big prayers around 8 am tomorrow!!
Hello world!
1 year ago
Oh honey... Many prayers, and a special one tomorrow!!!
Oh Hillary.... I've only just had a chance to check my blog via my phone this morning & had missed all your posts over the last few days. I'm so sorry to hear what's happening for you at the moment... but wanted to let you know that a friend had a cerclage & went on to term with a happy healthy bub :)) All my love & thoughts are with you today. Hope all goes well & your test is ok. Love you very much from Oz xoxo
Praying for you hun! Sending you much love and prayers!
I will most definitely be praying for you. Stay positive--Our Lord will get you through this surgery and home to your mom who can take care of everything. It is good news that your cervix is still closed. I will pray that it stays closed till 40 weeks or more.
i'm praying for you!!!!!!!!
you are in my thoughts and prayers. sending all my peaceful thoughts your way and wishing only the best for you and your growing family.
Dear Hilary... I've been thinking of you so much over the past few days but haven't been able to leave a comment b/c Blogger seems to have been down :( How are you going ? How did your surgery go ? Hope all is OK with you and bub... all my heart and thoughts are with you both xoxo
Hi Hilary!! I hope the surgery went well. I've been thinking of you and baby. Keeping you both in my prayers. I had been checking your blog constantly for updates but with this whole blogger thing going bananas I'm sure you couldn't post and we couldn't comment :( I'm praying that your recovery is fast and painless. Thinking of you hun!!
I am praying for you! I hope all went well. Please keep us all in blogland posted (as much as you can). I know things must be busy at home right now.
Lots of hugs!
You got the FFN or Fetal Fibrinectine measures a hormone given off by the uterus if you *MAY* go into labor in the next two WEEKS. It doesn't mean you WILL if it is positive, just more of a screening tool for those that won't. The negative test is almost foolproof, where as a positive test can be wrong/you can be treated to stop impending delivery...make sense? :)
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